October 25, 2023

Ceylon Cinnamon Vs Cassia Cinnamon? Can we call “Cassia” a “Cinnamon Variety”

This article is a continuation of our introductory article for Ceylon Cinnamon. Ceylon Cinnamon grows in the island of Sri Lanka. Therefore true cinnamon sticks are only grown and manufactured in Sri Lanka (formerly known as “Ceylon”). The other plant variety referred to as Cassia is also a rolled around piece from a bark of […]

Ceylon Cinnamon Vs Cassia Cinnamon? Can we call “Cassia” a “Cinnamon Variety” Read More »


True Ceylon Cinnamon has flavored the most exotic recipes, healed many an ailments and fascinated the world of perfumes, throughout a history beyond 5000 years. Cinnamon is recorded in the Pen Ts’ao (worlds’ 1st book of medicines) of Emperor Shennong (2700BC) under the name of ‘kwei’ as a tranquillizer, energizer, and as being good for stomachaches, depression


Cinnamon Poem

The magic stick from this spicy isle had caste a fascination over the world for more than 5000 years, with its power of fragrance, medicinal goodness, preservative quality and lip-smacking delight. After writing few articles on Cinnamon, a small verse to refresh and release tiredness ! Secrets held for thousands of years Battles fought for

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