Ditch the Chips, Grab the Nuts for Power Protein

We all know that afternoon slump. Your stomach growls, your energy dips, and the snack drawer beckons. But instead of reaching for sugary chips or greasy cookies, why not grab a handful of something far more powerful and gives you Protein to build your attractive body? Nuts!

These tiny nutritional titans are a delicious and healthy way to curb your cravings and give your body a protein boost. But with so many varieties, which nut reigns supreme in the protein department? Let’s crack open the facts!

World of Nuts

Nutty Nutrition:

Almonds, peanuts, cashews, and pistachios are all protein powerhouses, but each offers a slightly different amount per serving. Here’s a breakdown to help you choose your Nut. Approximately eating 100 grams of any type of nut gives you 20 grams of protein which is roughly 40% or almost halfway of your daily protein need. Which is 50 grams of protein per day. So eating 200g of nuts everyday would really fulfill your protein need.

Amounts of Protein we gain by eating 100 grams of each nut type

The Protein Punch:

As you can see, peanuts pack the biggest protein punch with a whopping 25 grams per 100 grams! But even almonds and Cashews offer a significant amount, making them all excellent choices for a protein-fueled snack.

Beyond the Protein:

Nuts aren’t just protein powerhouses; they’re loaded with healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs. Plus, they’re a great source of fiber, which helps you feel fuller for longer, keeping those hunger pangs at bay.

The Takeaway:

Next time you’re reaching for a snack, ditch the greasy chips and sugary treats. Grab a handful of nuts! They’re a delicious, convenient, and portable way to boost your protein intake, keep your energy levels up, and nourish your body with essential nutrients.

So move away from the artificial ingredients and unhealthy fats in chips, sweets or pastries. Go natural, go nutty, and fuel your body for a fantastic day!

Boost Your Protein with Nuts
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