Making Roti and Cake with Tapioca Flour (Cassava)

Ever heard of a flour that can be gluten-free AND make your roti hold its shape? Believe it or not, that’s the magic of tapioca flour!

Tapioca flour isn’t some magical powder; it’s actually made from the cassava root, a starchy veggie grown in tropical regions. Here’s the cool part: tapioca flour is only the pure white starch inside the cassava root, kind of like the golden nugget you get after panning for gold! This is what makes it so fine and super white.

But cassava flour is different. Imagine grinding the entire cassava root, skin and all, into a powder. That’s cassava flour! It has a more coarse texture and brownish color.

Tapioca Flour is only the white part, after removal of brown skin
Cassava flour is a bit brownish, as it includes brown skin

Now, onto the good stuff: why use tapioca flour?

  • Gluten-Free Goodness: For people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, tapioca flour is a lifesaver! It lets you bake delicious treats without the worry of gluten.
  • The Binding Power: Unlike some gluten-free flours like coconut flour, tapioca flour helps baked goods hold their shape. This means your roti won’t crumble and your cake won’t fall apart!
  • Easy on the Tummy: Tapioca flour is naturally easy to digest, making it a good choice for people with sensitive stomachs.
Benefits of Cassava Flour

Ready to try tapioca flour? Here are some popular recipes to get you started:

  • Super Simple Tapioca Pancakes: Combine tapioca flour with your favorite milk, egg, and a touch of sugar for fluffy gluten-free pancakes.
  • Delectable Coconut Roti: Mix tapioca flour with coconut flour in a 1:1 ratio for a delicious and structurally sound roti that won’t fall apart.
  • Luscious Tapioca Pudding: This creamy dessert is a classic! Tapioca pearls (made from tapioca flour) cooked in milk with sugar and flavorings create a delightful treat.
  • Chewy Bubble Tea Fun: The chewy tapioca balls you slurp up in bubble tea? Yup, those are made from tapioca flour!
Tapioca Roti
Tapioca Pudding
Tapioca Bubble Tea

So next time you’re looking for a gluten-free baking buddy or a way to add some structure to your favorite recipes, grab some tapioca flour and get creative! Your taste buds and your tummy will thank you.

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