Coconut Butter Coconut Flour Coconut Milk Cream MCT Coconut Oil Coconut Chips What are they?

Welcome to the world of coconut goodness! If you’re diving into the Keto lifestyle or just looking to elevate your health and well-being, you’ve landed on the right palm-fringed shore. Today, we’re unraveling the tropical treasure trove that is coconut products, each playing a unique role in supporting your Keto journey. From the silky embrace of virgin coconut oil to the delectable crunch of coconut chips, let’s explore the variety that the coconut kingdom has to offer.

1. Virgin Coconut Oil: The Keto Champion

The term “Virgin” is used to emphasize that, all nutrients in a nut/seed/ or fruit is preserved when it is converted to the format of oil. For example if leafy greens or veggies are cooked components like vitamins, anti-oxidants, are lost and the nutrition percentage of each nutrient is a bit altered. So Coconut Oil is termed “virgin”, when the original coconut is “COLD-PRESSED” (Imagine squeezing out oil of the coconut flesh in Sekkuwa Chekku. There is no high heat generation). The coconut flesh used for the pressing should also be fresh in its original form. So it cannot be dried in sunlight for weeks (like in “copra”. When coconut flesh is dried in sunlight it is named as Copra), or heated with fire to take out moisture. So virgin coconut oil is RAW and COLD PRESSED to achieve the above qualities.

Virgin Coconut Oil

2. MCT Coconut Oil: The Speedy Fuel

Beyond the popular knowledge of glucose/sugar drinks being used as energy drinks, there is another form of producing energy named as “ketones”. In mother’s breast milk , the fatty acid named “Lauric acid” is contained. A baby is given only breast milk during the first stage and it is instantly burnt and converted to energy in the baby’s mouth. MCT oil behaves in the same way. If we look into the food culture of East Asia; seaweed, leafy greens, nuts & seeds, fish, soup, soy foods, oils will make up the picture. In general, a “KETOGENIC DIET” is like this. Energy is produced by converting fats. For this action, the fats consumed by us should be very simple and easy to break down (they should be short or medium chain fatty acids). If we take in “heavy fats”, the body cannot break them down, and the end result is, it will get stored as fat.

MCT Coconut Oil is defined as fatty acid chains having less than 12 carbon atoms. That means, MCT Coconut Oil is made up of only small sized fats, which makes it easy for the body to burn those fats. Imagine that we extract only the Vitamin C out form an orange fruit. Similarly when we extract only the small sized fastest burning fats out from virgin coconut oil, it is named as “MCT Coconut Oil”

MCT Coconut Oil

3. Coconut Butter and Creamed Coconut: Creamy Keto Spread

Coconut butter is made from grinding fresh white coconut flesh. The white flesh is scraped and dried in a drier.  Once the flesh is out of moisture, it is rolled and grinded into a creamy paste. When the grinding and rolling is done only once it is called “Creamed Coconut”. When the grinding and rolling is done twice and the particle size is made very fine, it is called “Coconut Butter”. So simply Coconut Butter and Creamed Coconut are two names for the same product.  It is a healthy and versatile spread that can be used on toast, in smoothies, or as a topping for desserts. Coconut butter is also a good source of fiber and healthy fats.

Coconut Butter is 100% natural and organic. There are no additional ingredients, preservatives to alter the natural coconut characteristics. Therefore when the coconut butter is stored at room temperature or in hot climatic conditions (In summer), the white coconut flesh and the oil separates into two layers. The solid coconut layer which sits at the bottom of the jar becomes rock hard, that even a butter knife cannot scrape out. This makes it awkward for a consumer who has experienced spreads with added ingredients, which has uniform consistency, no separation and looks neat. But this separation is because our coconut butter is 100% natural, and it is made entirely of white coconut flesh. That is the true reason. And it is the healthiest proof to a consumer. There is a way to overcome this problem. First put the jar in warm water so that it heats up and all solidified matter gets loosen up. Then stir it until the separated oily layer and solid layer becomes one consistent paste.  Though it involves a special effort, organic coconut butter is Gluten Free, Zero Cholesterol, Margarine alternative (which has trans-fat and many additives), Rich in Fiber, Low Carb, KETO friendly, Dairy Free, Non GMO, No Artificial Flavors or Colors.  

Coconut Butter or Creamed Coconut (Two names for same product)

4. Coconut Milk and Coconut Cream: Creamy Delights

Coconut Milk is simply the squeezed out extract from white coconut flesh. So it is a white creamy full fat liquid. Coconut milk comes in different thicknesses according to the purpose it is been used for. To alter the thickness of canned coconut milk products, water is used. Then guar gum is used to keep the coconut milk as one uniform liquid. Otherwise the coconut milk tends to separate into two layers of fat layer and water layer. So Coconut Milk consists of coconut extract, water and guar gum.

Normally for Cooking fat percentages of 12%, 17%, 22% are used.

Coconut Milk of 17% Fat used for Cooking

For drinking beverages or mixing with pineapple, mango, strawberries as a smoothie, Coconut milk of 6% fat is used. Because if the fat percentage becomes higher some people will upset their stomach and may lead to diarrhea.

Coconut Milk for Drinking

When fat percentage exceeds 24%, the coconut milk is named as “Coconut Cream”. Coconut cream comes in different product ranges like 30% fat coconut cream, condensed coconut cream (like condensed coconut milk), coconut whipping cream (like dairy whipping cream) and many more variations.

Coconut Whipping Cream

5. Coconut Flour: The Keto Baker’s Secret

For those missing the joy of baking on a Keto diet, coconut flour is your secret ingredient. Low in carbs and high in proteins, it’s the perfect substitute for traditional flour. From pancakes to muffins, let your Keto-friendly creativity run wild in the kitchen. Coconut flour is made from white coconut flesh. First the white flesh is dried and oil is taken out. After removing the moisture and oil from the white flesh, then the dried flesh is grinded to make coconut flour.

Coconut Flour – Highest Protein flour of the world

6. Coconut Sugar and Coconut Nectar: Low GI Sweet Symphony

When the sweet tooth calls, answer with coconut sugar and coconut nectar. Low on the glycemic index, they provide a natural, Keto-friendly sweetness. Use them as alternatives to refined sugars in your recipes, maintaining that delicate balance between flavor and health.

Like in most trees, the coconut trees yield coconut flowers. When the coconut flowers are cut, a liquid sap pours out. This is the coconut sap which can be made into toddy, vinegar, nectar and sugar.

When we heat the coconut sap, it turns into dark brown thick coconut nectar. Which can be used as a natural organic alternative to artificial sugary syrups.

Coconut Nectar or Coconut Syrup

When the heating is done further, the thickened coconut syrup forms into solid crystals. Then they are crushed and grinded to make coconut sugar.

Coconut Sugar

7. Coconut Chips: Crunchy Keto Snacking

Say goodbye to carb-laden chips and welcome the crispiness of coconut chips. Packed with healthy fats and a satisfying crunch, they make for the perfect on-the-go Keto snack. Sprinkle them over salads or munch them straight from the bag – your taste buds and waistline will thank you. Coconut chips are made by cutting the white coconut flesh into flake shaped pieces and then toasting it.

Coconut Chips are toasted to Give you a KETO bite

8. Desiccated Grated Coconut: Keto Desserts

White coconut flesh is grinded into small particles. Then they are put inside the drier to remove moisture. Finally we get Grated, Scraped Coconut to use in macaroons, bounty bars, pol sambol, puddings, cake, and infinite recipes.

Desiccated Coconut for All your Baking

For more coconut-infused inspiration and to explore our range of premium coconut products, visit Elevate your Keto experience with the goodness of coconuts!

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