Difference of White Coconut Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil

The term “Virgin” is used to emphasize that, all nutrients in a nut/seed/ or fruit is preserved when it is converted to the format of oil. For example if leafy greens or veggies are cooked components like vitamins, anti-oxidants, are lost and the nutrition percentage of each nutrient is a bit altered. Thus, if an oil (coconut, olive, avocado) is termed “virgin”, the original fruit or nut is “COLD-PRESSED” (Imagine squeezing out oil of a fruit or seed by hand or in Sekkuwa Chekku. There is no high heat generation). The fruits/nuts used for the pressing should also be fresh in its original form. It cannot be dried in sunlight for weeks (like in “copra”. When coconut flesh is dried in sunlight it is named as Copra), or heated with fire to take out moisture. So virgin coconut oil is RAW and COLD PRESSED to achieve the above qualities.

Virgin Coconut Oil Manufacturing Process Video

White Coconut Oil is the name used for normal conventionally grinded copra coconut oil. Yellow color is the result of heat generation inside grinding machines. Plus the fact that they are produced from Copra (Not fresh coconuts). “Copra” is the name used to define coconut flesh dried under sunlight for several days. Heating up to high temperatures takes out a part of natural goodness. like cold press expellers are used in virgin coconut manufacturing, “Anderson” type heavy expellers are used in normal coconut oil manufacturing. And it is a heated press in such type of expellers.

Production of Conventional White Coconut Oil

The term “White” is used because, sometimes coconut oil is pressed only using brown peels (kurutta, testa or parings). This oil is named “Paring Oil or Brown testa Oil” (Kurutu Thel). When coconut oil is pressed using the entire kernel (both white flesh and paring) it is called “White Coconut Oil” (Sudu Polthel). It is a word used to differentiate between the two types based on the material used for pressing out oil. It does not refer to the color of the oil.

Differences between Normal White Coconut Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil

  1. Normal coconut oil is pressed in Anderson type large expellers. There is heavy speed pressing leading to high heat generation and high temperatures. Virgin coconut oil is pressed in cold pressed expellers and temperature remains below 55 degrees Celsius due to gradual slow pressing.
  2. Due to high heat in normal coconut oil pressing, natural nutrients, vitamins, anti oxidants and properties beneficial for hair, skin cosmetic usage disappear. Virgin coconut oil is backed up with anti oxidants, special properties for hair growth, scalp nourishment, skin health.
  3. Lauric acid (which is also present in mothers breast milk) percentage of Normal coconut oil is 40%, and in Virgin coconut oil it is 50%. Lauric acid boost immunity and helps as a brain energy fuel.
  4. Normal white coconut oil uses sun dried coconut (copra) for pressing. So copra having fungi and other quality issues leads to aflatoxin. Virgin coconut oil uses fresh coconuts dried in a hot air drier, and aflatoxin level is zero.
  5. White coconut oil is a bit dark yellow brown in color. Virgin coconut oil is clear as water.
  6. Virgin coconut oil can be consumed directly. Drink a table spoon just like consuming fish oil or olive oil. It boosts immunity and serves as a preventive measure against dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases. It is not possible to drink a table spoon of normal white coconut oil, due to relatively higher acidic levels, and no benefits in consuming directly since good nutrients are lost during hot press process.
  7. Both normal coconut oil and virgin coconut oil are stable in high temperature deep frying and do not form carcinogenic compounds.
  8. For hair, skin, beauty, makeup removal, tattoos, beauty purposes only virgin coconut oil can be used.
  9. Both virgin coconut oil and white coconut oil solidify in cool winter temperature into a white ice cream like solid and gets back into liquid when temperature is hot over 22 degrees Celsius.
  10. Retail price of 1 liter of virgin coconut oil is double as normal white coconut oil.
  11. It takes 14 fourteen fresh coconuts to produce one liter of virgin coconut oil, and 1.6kg of copra to produce a liter of normal coconut oil. Since 5 coconuts are needed to make a kilo gram of copra, it can be stated that 8 coconuts go into producing 1 liter of normal coconut oil.
Virgin Coconut Oil & White Coconut Oil
Brian Energy Drink Virgin Coconut Oil
Skin Hair Beauty Miracle with Virgin Coconut Oil
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